
bloody finger hunter yura npc elden ring wiki guide
出現場所 リムグレイブ
役割 血の指の狩人
CV: Voice Actor goes here

 血の指の狩人、ユラ はエルデンリングに登場する 登場人物/NPC の一人。


Be on your way. Perhaps we will meet again, if fate permits


血の指の狩人、ユラ 出現場所

 血の指の狩人、ユラ はアギール湖を探索した後、曇り川の地下墓〜南部の沿岸の遺跡近く、高架下で出現します。


イベント / 血の指の狩人、ユラ





会話ログ / 血の指の狩人、ユラ

初対面 Introduction

  • Ah, you must be the new Tarnished.
    You'd do well to steer clear of Agheel Lake, fledgling. A dragon roosts there... And it's as fearsome as it it majestic. 

訪問時 Visit

  • Visit Dialogue goes here.

血の指ネリウスと対峙 During Bloody Finger Nerijus invasion

  • If it isn't Nerijus, The Bloody Finger. The end is nigh. For you, and your cessblood.

血の指ネリウスと対峙後 After Bloody Finger Nerijus invasion

  • Ah, we meet again. To have fought Nerijus and lived, you must have seen your share of battle. I am Yura, as you might recall, hunter of Bloody Fingers. Tarnished held in thrall by cessblood. Zealots who stalk their own. If you stay the path, you are certain to face more of them. Just remember, no kinship with their ilk remains. Their madness precludes it. Don't let your emotions stay your blade.

その他 Other

  • Be on your way. Perhaps we will meet again, if fate permits.


血の指の狩人、ユラ 小ネタ / TIPS

  • 上記以外の設定は登録されていません
  • ん……? 今、『誉れ』って言った……?



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