Merchant Kalé

出現場所 リムグレイブ, エレの教会
役割  商人 行商人
CV:  Nabil Elouahabi

 放浪商人カーレ はエルデンリングに登場する商人。
 放浪商人カーレ は漂着墓地から比較的簡単に見つかる位置に居る。


放浪商人カーレ 出現場所


  • 別のエリアへ移動しない
  • 出現条件:なし(簡単に見つかる)
  • アイテムドロップ:倒しても何もドロップしない


商取引 購入(取引) / 放浪商人カーレ





会話ログ / 放浪商人カーレ

初対面 Introduction

  • You are a Tarnished, I can see it. And I can also see... That you're not after my throat. Then why not purchase a little something? I am Kale, Purveyor of fine goods.

放浪商人カーレについて About Kale

  • I am of a nomadic people. Selling wares as I travel. The land has been tainted by madness since the shattering of the Elden Ring. It's only Tarnished like yourself who keep things from drying up entirely. Let's say you're a very welcome customer.

おすすめ Recommendation

  • You know, if you can spare the runes, you should buy yourself a crafting kit. A crafting kit allows you to make basic items on your own. Essential really, if you intend to survive out here for any duration. The kit costs a bundle, and I admit, I do take my cut. But the important thing is that you survive. Every customer counts, after all.

話をする Small Talk

  • There are other of my peoples who yet survive in these lands. If the mood takes you when you meet one, then offer them some trade, won't you? My people, wanderers all, have long been spurned by the grace of gold. Which is why we cannot settle, but instead are forced into this pitiful, unceasing journey. But thanks to that, things are not so different for us now, though the Elden Ring is shattered. I think this makes us kindred spirits of sorts Your people, the Tarnished, and mine.
  • Perhaps you don't need to hear this, but... See that no harm comes to my kin. We have a saying, we wanderers. Lament not your solitude. Expect no sympathy. No regard. Nothing. But if anyone dares harm us, show them no mercy. That is our code, so to speak. Just the way we are. Deeply... unforgiving.

その他 Other

  • Wait, weren't you? Well, you're back... Care to buy something?
  • What is it? Still going to purchase something?
  • Good-bye, for now.


放浪商人カーレ 小ネタ/TIPS

  • 上記以外は特に登録されていません


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